Monday, February 3, 2014

Someone once said that " practice makes perfect ".

I say " practice makes permanent ".

here is a photo of a girl during winter/spring time. Her head is over the side of the board, not over her butt. ( notice her heels coming off the deck )

Here is the same girl in the summer. Same "side-eye" stance. If she keeps riding this way, she wont be able to go backside ( goofy ).

Front leading hand is "closed" and shoulder locked. Right arm should be following the rotation of the hip to the left. This photo is during the winter

Now in the summer, same thing. Bad habits are hard to break. Wrong technique is even harder to progress out off

This awesome surfer kid has perfect cutbacks. Power line, shoulders , hand , eyes, neck, toes. Everything is spot on. He had a very good teacher and it shows

Different photo, but his technique stays the same. If you practice the right way, you will be improve.

3rd photo same cutback. If you want to cutback better, study these photos. Long or shortboard it doesnt matter.

here is "holding a wall" style. also her eyes are focused down.

Eyes are better here but again " holding a wall". Now you can clearly see her front foot is at 3 o'clock , when it should be closer to 1 o'clock

different wave same technique. Probably she is not a first time surfer. I say the most progression in your surfing happens between year 3 through 6

With her wrong foot stance it causes her heel to come off the board. Not sure if she was taught that way or not. Between 1-3 years of surfing thats the time to learn the basics.

Here's a beginner. Her technique matches that of the girl above. ( front toes facing to the rail and hands bracing against a imaginary wall ) That's fine for your first lessons and go outs. But if you dont break that style it will stay

This is on a beginners course. Her teacher taught her well. Eyes up and gaze is on the distance. Great shoulder turn and foot placement. She will be a good surfer.

Practice makes Permanent. If you practice Wrong, you will be better at Wrong
If you practice the Right way, you will be better at the Right way

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