Saturday, February 1, 2014

A few noseriding words of wisdom from the French ...

ello, you do everything as usual except that you look at the wave to judge the height of your board in the face. If you're not high enough you support on the inner rail to get where you want. After a few waves you have taken your marks. If you try to go in through the top, you're wrong. Because the goal is to have the nose of the board up but without the ass much higher. Otherwise you'll find yourself in the downhill and the top position in the wave will last quarter of a second. You really put across the board, ie ass just above the nose. For that you need to take off / Bottom / turn-type half Rollerball mid slope (it will dampen the board and that it will still go up because the wave advance) / caller trajectory by small internal pressure adjustment. This Simple as that. Awareness. And this is the key of noserides extremes.

See also the topic "noserides" viewtopic.php? p = 10104 # p10104 For me the trigger was came when I realized that it is not pressing water flat nose (like a skimboard) that prevented the charging, but it had to "hover" forward using the inner rail as an airplane wing or foil in the face of the wave, which is only possible if the face is vertical (top of wave) and not horizontal (bottom wave). Basically ll be taken to the edge in the steep face, not sledging in the valley ...

For the nose, here is my stuff, but I am a thousand times less than expert Bear: For me, longboard, the trigger was when instead of trying to "hover" on the nose, I started a to "bite" the nose into the wave by pressing firmly on the side, and have a feeling of "flying wing aircraft" as if the nose of your board that you had your hand through the door of your car and "made the plane." Technically this means that it is necessary that the nose is good in the steep part of the wave, so quite high, so you have to force the edge to keep it there, even if it does not show necessarily the pictures. If you let the board will only stall it will get too low, where there is no energy to carry you, you feel the nose "push water" Look on this picture (it's not me Photo :-) in wave height and support on the inner edge, we can see that the nose does not grow water, the lift is given by the edging. The board is almost a right angle to the surface of the water, you must have the feeling of being on a ledge near a vertical wall, and not on a skimboard has a flat plane. Driving is very dynamic, we are constantly trying to adjust the intake side edge.

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