Monday, February 3, 2014

Body English

Body English
You can tell the good surfers by how they use what i call " Body English".   Just like in Billards or Pool, the players make the ball ( or board ) curve to go where he wants it to end up

Usually I say keep you head over your butt.  But in this case, his head is still over his feet,  it is just now he is arching his back and thrusting his weight thru his thighs

notice she is in the rear green part of the board cross stepping forward

now at the mid-point trim spot she pauses for a upcoming turn

Here is the Body English.  Her lower body is flowing up with the board but her upper body is still vertical (  she step all the way back to the green area to turn, spray coming off the left rail )

she rolled the board from the right rail to now the left rail ( spray coming off right rail )

A good way to practice that upper/lower balance is using a Slack Line. 

This is a Soul Arch bottom turn. So awesome to see surfers do that.  Takes a lot of confidence and rail control.   Beginners Do Not try this !!  

Longboard are longer, heavier and have more rail line than shortboards.  It makes it harder to turn, but longboarders can add in style 

Check out more arching backs at

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" Check Please "
 You have heard of Bottom Turns ,  Cutbacks , Top Turns , Off the Lips and Drop Knee Turns.  But have you heard of a Check Turn ?

Good surfers use a Check Turn to set up for the next maneuver or to wait for the wave to stand up more.  

Although her board is going right, she actually intends to go left.  She did a check turn to let the wave speed up.  Where is she looking ?

Notice her eyes are still looking down the line ? It is not really a cutback but a swerve, like making a lightning bolt pattern on the wave. 

Here he turned back to the wave just a little bit since the wave's shoulder is too short. 

Nice ride but she sees the bump coming up the face, causing it to double up.

By performing a Check Turn, it allows her to put the board in the right spot which is soon coming up

Now the waves races and pitches fast, and her board and body is in the perfect spot.  
Check Turns.   Learn how to do it so you can stay on the wave longer

and Check for more great surfers.

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